
Elliott Yamin艾略特-01Wait For You-01-Wait For You癡心等待

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Wait For You癡心等待

I never felt nothing in the world like this before.
Now I&9m missing you and I&9m wishing that you would come back through my door.
Why did you have to go? You could have let me know So now I&9m all alone.
我從沒有這樣孤獨的感覺 現在那麼想妳 祈禱著妳能回到我身邊
噢。。為何妳要離我而去?妳可不可以點醒我 為何孤單只剩下我

Girl you could have stayed but you wouldn&9t give me a chance.
With you not around it&9s a little bit more then I can stand.
And all my tears they keep running down my face. Why did you turn away?
妳可以選擇留下 但從沒有給我機會 沒有妳的日子 思念只會讓人煎熬
嗚。。我的淚水不斷地 從臉龐上滑落 為何你要轉身離去

★So why does your pride make you run and hide? Are you that afraid of me?
But I know it&9s a lie what you keep inside. This is not how you wanted to be.
是妳的自尊太多 讓妳想要逃 還是妳害怕面對我
但我明白妳 心底藏著一個謊言 這也不是妳願意的

[Chorus]So baby I will wait for you. Cause I don&9t know what else I can do.
Don&9t tell me I ran out of time. If it takes the rest of my life.
寶貝 我會癡心等待妳 因為我不知還能做什麼
即使別人說是浪費時間 就算我要這樣度過餘生
Baby I will wait for you. If you think I&9m fine it just ain&9t true.
I really need you in my life. No matter what I have to do I&9ll wait for you.
寶貝 我會癡心等待妳 如果妳以為我會沒事的 妳錯了
我的生命真的缺妳不可 不管要我付出什麼代價 我會等待妳

It&9s been a long time since you called me. (How could you forget about me?) You got me feeling crazy. (crazy)
How can you walk away, Everything stays the same. I just can&9t do it baby.
妳好一陣子沒打電話給我了(妳真的忘了我嗎) 這讓我快要瘋掉了(瘋了)
怎麼可以說走就走 卻一切都沒有改變 現在我已無能為力了

What will it take to make you come back? Girl I told you what it is and it just ain&9t like that.
Why can&9t you look at me, your still in love with me.
Don&9t leave me crying.
到底要做些什麼才能讓妳回來 女孩 我說過的那些話不是有意的
喔 為何不看著我的眼睛 妳仍然愛著我 別留下我獨自哭泣

Baby why can&9t we just start over again. Get it back to the way it was.
If you give me a chance I can love you right. But your telling me it won&9t be enough.
寶貝 為何我們不能從頭來過 讓一切回到從前
如果妳願意給我機會 我會改變的 但卻妳說這樣是不夠的



Baby I will wait for you. Baby I will wait for you. If it&9s the last thing I do.
寶貝 我會癡心等待妳 寶貝 我會癡心等待妳 因為這是我唯一能做的事

關鍵字:  vv